This Week at the The Infants’ Home 19 August to 23 August

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2019 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 22 August 2019

Johnson House


To celebrate Book Week this week, the children in Johnson House preschool were encouraged to bring in their favourite book from home to share with their peers. One of the children bought in a book on volcanoes which inspired us to create our own science experiment using bicarb soda and vinegar. We used a science kit, read through the instructions, and took turns helping the volcano erupt. Some of us even had a turn wearing the science goggles which made us look like real scientists! We used the book as a reference guide, and this helped explained some of the terminology as well as where real volcanoes exist. This was a great hands-on way to build on children’s knowledge and interests.


Our plants through a magnifying glass

Last week the children observed their plants and looked for any changes and growth. They were touching the plants and tiny seeds on them, and they observed that the parsley seeds have started to grow into plants. The children had the opportunity to observe the plants closely using magnifying glasses. They were very excited to see how big the plants looked through the magnifying glass. The children continue to be enthusiastic about watering their plants as well!

Family Day Care Sydney Wide

What do you get when you offer young children an array of colour, texture, taste and smell in the form of seven different herbs? Magic potions!!

On a gorgeous warm sunny morning at Randwick Family Day Care, Barbara created this learning experience by simply gathering mint, rosemary, Thai basil, mother of herbs (also known as ‘all purpose herb’, ‘Cuban oregano’ or ‘fruit salad herb’), and more, from our garden beds. We are very lucky to have such a well-established garden—it is indeed a labour of love!

The children found his experience irresistible, and they headed straight to the table where Barbara had placed the herbs. The children cut and snipped using scissors, developing their fine motor skills, and they ripped and shredded the herbs, releasing amazing aromas.

The children were offered different sized containers and spoons, and water, sand and soil. They mixed and pounded their ingredients together, producing many different consistencies. Their imaginations and creativity was evident as they shared what they were making with one and other.

Getting outdoors with children is always a pleasure, and allowing them access to plants to taste and soil to feel encourages them to develop respect for and to care for living things. Many of the children who participated in this experience may well have helped to plant these very herbs last season—a job very well done!

Community Playgroups

It’s was all about Book Week at our community playgroups this week. Many children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book character. Book Week-focussed activities this week included character- making at the craft table, playdough, rice play, and a parade and dance with rhythm sticks, which saw much laughter and joy expressed by all. Popcorn making was also a hit this week!