This Week at The Infants’ Home 7 January to 11 January

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2019 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 11 January 2019

Johnson House


Cooking pasta

The children were very enthusiastic about engaging in a messy play experience in the mud kitchen today, and they asked Cathy for some water to add to their play. The children were very eager to ‘cook pasta’ as they made ‘dinner’, and they cooked several varieties of pasta. As they engaged in this play experience, the children had the opportunity to facilitate the development of their sensory skills. As the children were feeling the water and dirt mix together they could feel the textures between their fingers. During this experience they were also facilitating the development of their language skills as they interacted with their peers and described to each other what they were cooking.


There have been some new faces in Johnson House recently with transitions beginning to take place from the toddlers’ room to the preschool room. This has been such a big step for the new children and also an adjustment for the existing children as they get used to new faces coming and going. It’s during this time when our the educators begin to instil a sense of belonging for all the children. New children are supported by being introduced to new educators and children, and they are guided through the routine of the day. Existing children are encouraged to support the younger children learn all about Johnson House preschool. This is a vital time for the children to develop positive relationships with others. Educators ensure they give priority to nurturing relationships and they provide the children with consistent emotional support to develop the skills and understandings they need to interact positively with others. Being taught about their responsibilities to others, and to appreciate their connectedness and interdependence as learners, are all important aspects of our preschool program.

Murray House

Feeding the worms

One afternoon this week Charoen, from The Infants’ Home kitchen, brought in some food scraps to be composted in our worm farm. Charoen is the head chef of our kitchen who provides the children with delicious and nutritious food every day. One of the children came running up and pulled Charoen’s hand for him to walk towards our worm farm. It’s lovely to see the children welcoming Charoen into our environment and eagerly sharing their knowledge of how we look after the worm farm. We talked about the green matter and brown matter, which are the two important components that need to be balanced in quantity to ensure that our worm farm is thriving. The children told Charoen that the worms love cabbage, zucchini and carrot. Once we finished transferring the food scraps (green matter) to the worm farm, we added some dried leaves (brown matter) and some soil from a garden bed. We also need to cover the worms with a blanket so that they feel warm and cozy at night. We then close the lid and say goodnight to the worms.

Family Day Care

Recently at Sammy’s Family Day Care Sydney Wide the children explored the concept of looking after their teeth. Educator Sammy encouraged the children to talk about their teeth and what we need to do to look after them. The children then took turns to practice brushing with a set of toy teeth. This was a great experience to encourage the children to take responsibility for their personal health and wellbeing.