This Week at The Infants’ Home 17 July to 21 July 2023

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2023 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 21 July 2023

Gorton House 


Story by Educator Nicky

During April the children in Gorton House preschool had the opportunity explore how they, all the way from Australia, could take action to support and make a difference to children across the other side of the world in Colombia, by gathering and donating clothing they no longer needed.

This was prompted when one of our casual Educators, Xiomara, who is originally from Colombia, was planning a trip back home to visit family. Xiomara had been talking with a friend who is a social worker who works in rural areas in Colombia with families and children. The social worker had told Xiomara that recently many families had been struggling and finding it increasingly difficult to access many basic needs, of which clothing was one. Xiomara shared with us in Gorton House her hope to gather as much clothing as she could to take back with her to donate to these families. It was then that we in the preschool room realised we had both the capacity and the motivation to help.

Our clothing drive gathered momentum, and we soon filled a huge suitcase to bursting point, which the children helped pack. We sent Xiomara off with the loaded suitcase and our good wishes. In July, Xiomara returned with the empty suitcase, full of joy and satisfaction, and with the deepest gratitude to us from both herself and the many children and families in Colombia who received the clothing.

The organisation that distributed the clothing wanted to thank us, and the families and children who received the clothing posed for photos to send to us that showed them selecting and trying on some of the clothing. Xiomara shared the photos with us so we could show the children, and as we gathered to look at the photos, the children recognised some of the clothing that we had packed. They expressed such joy in seeing the children and babies wearing some of their donated clothing! It gave us all such a beautiful feeling in our hearts to see the faces of smiling and joyful children handling and wearing the clothing that we ourselves had once worn and handled.

We plan to print the photos and to make a book with them so that we can revisit this experience. It may prove to be a catalyst for exploring more about this world we live in, and other ways that we can contribute. We felt so connected and we want to nurture this feeling of ourselves being a part of not only the local community, but also the global community. We also received a beautiful ‘Certificado de reconocimiento’ from the orgnaisation in Colombia that we will frame and cherish alongside the photos. We in Gorton House preschool value the way we can nurture a sense of care and action for everyone in our world.

Johnson House


Story by Educator Tanzila

The children in Johnson House toddlers love to read books, and the stories we share are often reflected in their play activities. ‘Wombat Stew’, written by Marcia Vaughan and illustrated by Pamela Lofts, is one of the books that the children enjoy reading and they love to make “wombat stew” in our outdoor kitchen corner. Recently the children added various natural materials to the stew they were making as I asked, “What would you like to add to the wombat stew?” Some of the children choose mud and others choose leaves, bark and twigs from the mud patch. They all took turns to stir their wombat stew and then they pretend to eat it. This play experience demonstrated the children’s developing cognitive and language skills as they interacted and used their imaginations.

Murray House


Story by Educator Holly

This morning in Murray House toddlers the children requested painting as an outdoor activity. We used this as an opportunity for the children to learn more about watercolour paints and how to produce bright vibrant colours. Using minimal water and really swirling their paint brushes in the paints for a long time, the children created some beautiful art. The children are developing their interest in creative arts, particularly painting. It is fantastic to see how responsive the children are to instructions and advice, and how capable they are of transferring this knowledge to their own artworks. Many of the children were so impressed with how well their artworks turned out, exclaiming that they couldn’t wait to show their parents. The children were also able to identify the different colours they used, and they negotiated the sharing of resources amongst one another.

Community Playgroups

Story by Playgroup Coordinator Rebecca

Last week we welcomed children and families back to playgroups for Term 3. We hope that you have enjoyed the year so far and have had fun creating, learning and making friends. For us, the playgroup team, it has been wonderful to watch the children grow in confidence, make connections with others, learn through play and, most importantly, have fun!

We have seen a very real community grow through our playgroups, with families becoming friends and helping each other out when needed. Our playgroup community is awesome!

We look forward to sharing more fun, laughter and mess at playgroups this term.