This Week at The Infants’ Home 1 February to 5 February

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2021 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 5 February 2021

Murray House


Story by Educator Dalia

Over the past few weeks in Murray House infants we have been welcoming new children and families. Our program is influenced by the Circle of Security program, which focuses on building respectful relationships with children to help them feel safe and secure in their new care environment. Focus educators work closely with the children and their families to get to know each child’s individual routines and interests. Educators support children to build a sense of belonging in their new environment by providing variety of experiences throughout the day, such as sensory experiences and music and movement, which helps the children to regulate their emotions and enables them to develop relationships with their educators and peers.


Story by Educator Jung

This month we have welcomed many new children and families in Murray House toddlers. To help them to feel welcome, educators and families have shared conversations to get to know each other, and educators have discussed with families ways to support children’s smooth transition between Murray House’s infants and toddler programs.

Educators have also been providing a range of learning experiences for children. The farm animal table and reading There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Mozzie during gathering time have been the children’s favourite activities this week. The children love the farm animal table and have shown great interest in it. They named the animals they recognised, and engaged in pretend play by making the animal’s sounds and pretending to feed them.

When the children gathered to read There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Mozzie, the children loved talking about the fascinating things that happened in the old lady’s tummy. This book also promoted learning about some Australian words, such as ‘roo’ and ‘dingo.’

Educators look forward to developing wonderful relationships with the children and are looking forward to providing them with lots of learning opportunities.

Rigby House

Building Relationships

Story by the Bunya Room Educators

At this time of the year in Rigby House we have many new children joining our program, and educators are supporting the children to feel comfortable and secure in their new environment.

Through music and literacy experiences, children and educators have been enjoying fun and special ‘together times’. It is lovely to see the children enjoying these experiences.

Experiencing happiness and enjoyment supports the children to strengthen their relationships with their educators, to make connections with their peers and to feel comfortable in their environment.

Robinson House

Story by Centre Director Faye-Maree

It’s been an exciting start to 2021 at Robinson House. We have had lots of new team members join us, and the children have been very busy building attachments with their new educators and exploring some fun projects along the way. The children in the front room have begun working on the vegetable garden with the help of Susana. They have been busy drawing the beans that they planted, sewing a scarecrow to scare the birds away and helping to care for our new plants every day. The recent rain has helped the beans to grow already.

Welcome to all of the new children that have transitioned up from Murray House, as well as to our new families and team members. We are all very glad to be on the 2021 journey with you all, and we can’t wait to see the exciting things that will happen at Robinson House in 2021!