Last Week at The Infants’ Home 6 May to 10 May 2024

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2024 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 13 May 2024

Johnson House

Waratah Room

Story by Senior Occupational Therapist Justine

The children in Johnson House Waratah room have recently been working on their fine motor and literacy skills.

Using a foam mat, some wooden golf tees, a child-sized hammer and a template of the first letter of their name, the children were encouraged to do some hammering!

While they were hammering, there were many conversations around the letters and the different sounds they make.

Having to hold a hammer and a ‘nail’ was a great way to practice hand-eye coordination, as well as to build on muscle strength and endurance. Fine motor skills are essential for performing everyday activities such as play and self-care, as well as for more ‘academic’ based activities such as using scissors and pencils.

Murray House

Wattle Room

Story by Educator Jessica

The children of Murray House Wattle room revelled in the excitement of playing with balloons this morning. Each child approached the activity with their own unique sense of wonder and joy.

Their eyes lit up with delight as, one by one, they reached out to touch the colourful balloons, with their eager hands grasping enthusiastically at the strings. Laughter filled the air as the children batted at the balloons, sending them floating and bouncing around the room. One child’s curiosity led her to gently explore the texture of the balloons, her fingers trailing lightly over their surface as she watched them sway in the air.

The children’s wide-eyed wonder mirrored the joy of their peers as they reached out to grab hold of the balloons, their smiles brightening the room. Together, they created a symphony of laughter and delight as they chased, caught, and released the balloons, each moment filled with the simple joy of childhood play.

Family Day Care Sydney Wide

Story by Educator Support Officer Alix

Over the past 10 weeks Family Day Care Sydney Wide Educators have been updating their Child Safe knowledge and skills in line with NSW Education Department’s Child Safe Standards. These standards were established as recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse to make organisations safer for children. The Office of the Children’s Guardian has designed a family day care specific Child Safe training program, with three self-paced modules for educators to complete.

A special mention to Hua Shu (pictured below), our first Educator to complete all three modules. Hua received some special resources to thank her for her efforts!