Last Week at The Infants’ Home 3 June to 7 June 2024

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2024 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 11 June 2024

Johnson House

Waratah Room

Story by Senior Occupational Therapist Justine 

The children in Johnson House Waratah room have recently been working on their fine motor and literacy skills. Using some ‘bubble tongs’, which have a rounded scooper shape for picking up objects, they carefully fished out floating ping pong balls that had been placed in coloured water. Tongs are great tools for children to use to practice their hand-eye coordination and fine motor control.

The ping-pong balls used in this play experience had letters, number and shapes drawn on them to enhance the children’s emerging literacy and numeracy skills. When children are exposed to literacy and numeracy learning through hands-on, practical and play-based experiences, they are more likely to engage meaningfully and successfully with them.

Family Day Care Sydney Wide

Story by Educator Support Officer Maureen

Blessed with glorious sunshine, recently four Family Day Care Sydney Wide Educators, Gabi, Elaine, Lisa, and Ilana, along with Educator Support Officer Maureen, came together with children from their services at Snape Park in Maroubra. We were also joined by ex-Family Day Care Sydney Wide staff member Barbara. Everyone was delighted to see Barbara and they were pleased to hear that she is thoroughly enjoying her retirement.

Thank you to Elaine for coming so well-prepared with coloured chalk, playdough and bubbles for the children. However, the main attraction for our 11 active and curious children was the park’s play equipment. The children were very capable as they explored independently, developing their confidence and physical abilities.

Excursions involve thoughtful planning, and our Educators must conduct a risk assessment before each excursion to ensure that the destination is appropriate, fun and safe for children.

Community Playgroups

Story by Playgroup Coordinator Rebecca

At playgroups we have been learning about animals, and this week we looked at native Australian animals.

Using sand, lentils, logs, rocks and toy animals, we created a ‘small world play’ space where the children were free to investigate the animals and the differing textures of the play space. Small world play is a type of imaginative play for children which uses small toys, props and materials.

We also added the book ‘Bush Bash’, written by Sally Morgan and illustrated by Ambelin Kwaymullina, to this experience. Having these elements in the one play area allowed the children to have a multi-sensory experience. Arousing a combination of sensory functions, such as the visual, auditory and tactile senses, helps children to receive multiple sensory inputs and promotes a wider degree of brain stimulation. This layering of inputs also caters to the different learning needs of children, allowing every child to learn from an experience in their own way, regardless of their age, ability or background.