Last Week at The Infants’ Home 4 December to 8 December 2023

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2023 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 8 December 2023

Johnson House


Story by Educator Emily

Most of the children in Johnson House toddlers are familiar with the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, however, every time it is read to them, they are still very interested. They eagerly talk about the caterpillar’s favourite foods, and what kind of foods the caterpillar eats from Monday to Sunday. After reading the book with the children last week, an educator extended the activity with the children in which they made some paper caterpillars with colourful crepe paper. Under the educator’s guidance, the children glued long strips of crepe paper onto circles, then connected these, and finally drew the caterpillar’s face. The children were very excited and proud to see the caterpillars they had made. In addition to developing their language skills, the children were also practicing their hand-eye coordination as they created the caterpillars.

Murray House


Story by Centre Director Holly

Over the course of last week, small groups of children from Murray House infants’ room visited the toddler space in preparation for their transition to the toddler room next year! The children were very eager to explore the new indoor and outdoor spaces, which had many new, exciting experiences. The children were very interested in extending their gross motor development on the obstacle course, reaching out for support from the toddler educators when they needed help balancing or climbing over a larger obstacle. They also showed interest in the picnic set up under the tree, exploring the different foods in the basket. The older toddler children were excited to sit with the younger children and show them how to play.

It is fantastic to see how the children’s confidence is developing as they explore a new environment. The children are showing curiosity and engagement in these new spaces and are already beginning to develop new connections with their older peers and the educators in the toddlers’ room. These transition visits will continue to grow in length as we support the children in their move from the infant to the toddler spaces of Murray House.