Pictured above, from left: The Infants’ Home’s President Mary Verschuer, our Patron Mr Dennis Wilson, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, and our CEO Elizabeth Robinson, cutting the 150th Anniversary cake.
Celebrating the Commencement of our 150th year
On 8 May 2024 we hosted the first of our 150th Anniversary Year celebrations for our community.
The event included presentations on our remarkable 150-year history and our work today. We also launched our special ‘Each Family, Every Future’ fundraising campaign to support future children and families.
Distinguished guests included Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales and her partner, The Infants’ Home Patron Mr Dennis Wilson and Sally Sitou MP, Member for Reid.
Her Excellency spoke about The Infants’ Home’s early history. She said that at the time of its founding, “The Infants’ Home filled a yawning gap for women and children.” Mr Wilson added, “The ability of this organisation to provide expert support and care for children in need is extraordinary.”
Our Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Robinson and Children’s Services Manager Mariam Christodoulos spoke about our history and our innovative work with children and families, especially those who are vulnerable or require additional support.
Our President Mary Verschuer concluded the formal proceedings with an overview of our future. This includes plans to expand our service, to create an outdoor classroom and to sustain our heritage buildings and grounds for future generations. Mary launched our 150th anniversary ‘Each Family, Every Future’ fundraising campaign to support these projects.
Following the ceremonial cutting of a special cake by Her Excellency, Mr Wilson, Mary and Elizabeth, our guests enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea. They had the opportunity to speak with each other and with The Infants’ Home Board and staff.
This was a wonderful occasion to welcome and thank so many of our friends and supporters and to celebrate this amazing milestone for The Infants’ Home. Events are being planned throughout our 150th year for staff, children, families, and our community. An exclusive event will also be held in February 2025 on board HMAS Sydney for our long-term supporters.
‘Each Family, Every Future’ 150th Anniversary Campaign
You can also share in our celebration by supporting our ‘Each Family, Every Future’ campaign to help future generations of children and families.
You can make your gift to our special campaign here. Every donation will make a difference.
Thank You to Our Wonderful Long-term Supporters

Above: Event attendees seated to enjoy a video about The Infants’ Home’s history, work and supporters, commissioned for our 150th celebrations.

Above, from left: The Infants’ Home’s Chief Financial Officer, Steve Hughes, and long-term supporters Ralph and Alison Stagg of The Rali Foundation.

Above: The Infants’ Home’s Patron, Mr Dennis Wilson (second from left), with volunteers from PwC who helped run the event.

Above, from left: The Infants’ Home’s Patron, Mr Dennis Wilson, Alan Thake from Abacus Property Group, and The Infants’ Home’s Grants and Communications Officer Angela Owens.

Above: The Infants’ Home’s Early Childhood Teacher, Nicky Roditis (left) and Ian Triganza from Abacus Property Group.

Above: The Infants’ Home’s Board Director, Melly Sah Bandar (left) and The Infants’ Home’s Patron, Mr Dennis Wilson.

Above, from left: Kambala student Daisy Kirton, Kamabla Old Girls’ Union (KOGU) President Amanda Kirton, The Infants’ Home’s President Mary Verschuer and KOGU Alumnae Relations Manager Donna Kelly-Smith.

Above: Long term supporters of The Infants’ Home, Kerrie Richardson (left) and Brian Yeo, Secretary of the HMAS Sydney Association.