This Week at The Infants’ Home 12 December to 16 December 2022

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2022 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 16 December 2022

Johnson House


Story by Educator Alisa 

In Johnson House preschool we have been reading the story ‘Ho Ho Ho! There’s a hippopotamus on our roof eating Christmas cake’, by Hazel Edwards.  

The children had the idea to make gingerbread houses this week for ‘Party Week’. To follow-up on this interest, they were invited to make their very own gingerbread houses, and they were provided with some biscuits that they each formed into a simple house. Initially, they found it very tricky to stick the different parts of their houses together with the icing mixture, however, they persisted and devised a variety of ways to keep the roof in place on their creation. The children also decorated their houses with some lollies, but as these kept sliding off the roof, they decided to keep these inside their houses. They also put some sprinkles on top of the roofs. They then excitedly took their masterpieces home!  

The children have enjoyed a range of fun-filled activities during Party Week, which was a great way to finish off the year. A big thank you to our Johnson House community for a fantastic time in 2022!   


Story by Educator Priya 

This week there has been a party atmosphere for the children in Johnson House toddlers. We set up many different experiences such as water play, playdough, arts and crafts, bubbles, face painting, cooking, music and dance. 

The children used their sensory and fine motor skills while making some cookies. This experience also provided them with an opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding about shapes, sizes and numbers.

Lots of learning about science happened at the bubble making experience. We had a deep conversation about what happened when we popped the bubbles, how the bubbles happened, etc. Children were excited to catch and pop the bubbles. The children also enjoyed making their artworks, sharing their ideas while making Christmas decorations using collage materials. They were very excited as they helped to decorate the Christmas tree.  

This week we farewelled some children who are transitioning to our preschool program. We wish them well in their new learning journey. 

The integrated team at Johnson House would like to thank all the children, parents and families for a wonderful year and we wish everyone a happy festive season. 

Community Playgroups 

Story by Playgroup Coordinator Rebecca 

We have come to the end of our Playgroup journey for 2022. It has been an amazing experience 

to share in the growth and development of our children—watching them make friends, explore  

new concepts, have fun, and very often get very messy, has been wonderful!  We have seen families make connections with each other and build a community that helps and supports each other. Thank you to our families for sharing your children’s milestones and achievements with us and allowing us to be a part of your families.   

Look out for emails in the New Year letting you know when playgroups will return for 2023. We can’t wait!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas break and a wonderful New Year!