Last Week at The Infants’ Home 25 September to 29 September 2023

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2023 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 29 September 2023

Johnson House 


Story by Educator Priya

As a part of our learning about healthy eating in Johnson House toddlers, we have been setting up salad-making experiences for the children. An educator showed the children different types of vegetables and fruit and explained how these can be used to make salads.

The educator also spoke with the children about the importance of eating vegetables and fruit and got the children involved in the salad-making process, including washing the vegetables and fruit, sorting them and mixing them together.

The children watched attentively as the educator cut up the vegetables and fruit, and they were able to recognise the colours, size, and shapes these. Some of the children observed how some vegetables and fruit, such as tomatoes and lemons, have seeds.

The children helped the educators to mix the ingredients to make salads. They were excited as they joined in this experience, and they were keen to try the different varieties of foods.

This experience helped the children to use and develop various skills and abilities such as sensory, self-help, fine motor, language, social, mathematics, and science skills.

Murray House


Story by Educator Cathy

This week, the children in Murray House infants have been engaging in the sensory experience of the sandpit. The children have loved using the buckets and shovels to dig large holes and to move the sand from one side of the sandpit to the other. The children have also been using their sense of touch to investigate the wet and dry sand, passing the different textures through their hands. This sensory experience always attracts the children, and it is an important experience to encourage the children to share their space and resources. The children are still developing their sharing and taking turn skills and these experiences allow them to be exposed to collaborative settings from a young age.

Sensory play is such an important part of children’s learning as they develop an understanding of and curiosity about the world around them. Sensory play ignites laughter and joy in many children, just as it has with the infants through this experience.

Robinson House

Story by Educator Andrew

The children in Robinson House continued to show persistence and dedication in their efforts with an outdoor landscaping and gardening project, which has been an ongoing and enriching process.

As the days have passed, we have seen some tremendous work done. Today we continued to nurture the plants the children have carefully placed in our rejuvenated outdoor space. Their persistence in moving mulch, tending to the plants, and removing weeds also continued.

In addition to their gardening efforts, we also began a creative project that saw several new children contributing by bringing their own unique skills and strengths through adding their personal touches to the transformed outdoor area. This part of the project included using reclaimed wood and paint pens to craft a sign for their outdoor space. The sign not only showcased the children’s artistic talents and allowed them the opportunity to further connect with their outdoor learning space, but it also served as a symbol of their hard work and dedication to this project.

Robinson Garden is looking incredible! Amazing work, everyone, we are certainly creating an outdoor oasis that we can all enjoy together!