This Week at The Infants’ Home 29 November – 3 December

Welcome to The Infants' Home weekly news roundup.

2021 News Articles, All News Articles — Published 3 December 2021

Johnson House  

Story by Centre Director Amy

The children in Johnson House have been enjoying doing yoga. They are becoming increasingly confident, and some children are even showing us what poses they have been practising and learning at home.

Following their yoga sessions, the children have been also enjoying a yoga memory game, where they match cards showing different yoga poses, and then practice the poses shown. This helps to develop children’s concentration, as well as their motivation to learn new poses and to recall the poses they have already learned.

Yoga continues to be a consistent element in our program, providing children with opportunities to strengthen their muscles and to also learn to use yoga as a form of self-regulation.

Family Day Care Sydney Wide

Story by Educator Support Officer Maureen

Three of our Educators, Pooja, Nicola and Alice, were delighted to recently receive their 5 Year Service Awards with Family Day Care Sydney Wide. What an outstanding achievement for all! Congratulations and thank you to our amazing Educators for the outstanding work you do with children and their families every day.